The Hannah Montana Effect

>     When my oldest daughter was five, all of her little friends were into Hannah Montana. The image was on backpacks, t-shirts, towels, bedding, etc. I must have been one of only a few mothers who did not let her watch the show. It’s not that I think it is a bad show. I just felt that a 5-year-old child would not get the real meaning of the situation portrayed.
     The girls have their heads together, looking over at other people, and talking about them. Usually there is some dilemma that is worked out and the story has a happy conclusion. What I have determined is that young children get the heads together part, and the talking about other people, but they do not have the cognitive skill set to figure out that there is a moral to the story.
     Last year, when my daughter was in second grade, the drama that girls can possess started. Her problem was unique in that everyone wanted her to be their one and only best friend. One mother called me to let me know that there were problems at recess. I asked if my child was the problem to which she answered no. The main point of the conversation was to talk about the others. I did not fall into this trap, nor was I going to have my daughter become the middle of a problem. This is where my years teaching high school become valuable.
     When I got off the phone, I asked my daughter what was going on. She burst into tears and told me that she was being torn between different girls. She was sneaking around to talk to some so that others would not become mad. Some told her that she could not be their friend if she chose to talk to others.
     I am fortunate that my girls tell me everything. I told her that she could play with whomever she chooses. The problem belonged with the others and not her. That was all she needed to hear. Being a strong kid, she was able to handle it. She did not let them get to her, and she told some that if they didn’t want to play with her that day, she had other friends who did. Some days she decided to play kickball with the boys.
     This year all is calm. She is still the inclusive type of kid she has always been, and the others have learned that she cannot be manipulated. As a result, she is back to being everyone’s friend. I expected this type of dilemma to rear its ugly head at some time. I just did not think it would happen so soon. I think we are making our kids grow up too fast these days. My now nine-year-old watches some of these preteen shows, but she is at the age that she understands the total situation. It is all a matter of it being the right time.

The Tea Party

>     I do not understand the Tea Party. First, they are not really a party. They do not run for office and they do not have an established leader. I know they say that they are just a group of people, whose main objective is to support individuals they feel will impose fiscal responsibility in Washington. I know they have chosen to endorse candidates and assemble rallies. It does not influence me much as they might like to think.
     First, I believe that they are a small minority of the population. They say they speak for the people. I have a major problem with that. Their demographic seems limited. I do not see much diversity within their ranks. I also do not like them waving a flag that had a much different meaning at the time of its creation.
     Second, they stand on street corners and shout about the economy. That is a legitimate concern. What is the answer? It is easy to stand on the outside and make claim as to what you think is best. It is easy to criticize and say you know better. I have never heard them explain a plan that will bring the country out of these hard economic times.
     My last concern about this group is that they appear to have other agendas up their sleeve. Most of the candidates they have endorsed seem to come from conservative, Christian backgrounds. Are they out to decide that certain programs should end? Do they understand the problems faced by those in our cities? Do they understand the plight of the veterans, elderly, homeless, and low-income? Do they see the condition of some of the nation’s schools?
     Lastly, why are they given so much media attention? Maybe they influenced the last election. I for one do not believe they have that much power. I do not think that the vast majority of Americans are ready to stand with them. I resent them stating that they represent the American people. If they believe that they have what it takes to run this country, then let them organize into a real political party, endorse a candidate, and make a run for office. Then we will see what the American people want.

Bristol Palin’s Memoir

>     Bristol Palin is writing a memoir. Is something wrong here? I always thought that a memoir was written after a person had lived a life full of achievement or happenings. You had to be of a certain age to take the reader on the journey of experience. Actors, politicians, athletes, and every day people write about their lives from a time when the world was different, and how they changed from childhood to old age.
     Bristol Palin became known during her mother’s campaign for Vice President. She was a teenager and pregnant. I found it interesting that the Republicans lauded her for deciding to keep and raise her baby. I give her credit for that too, but I also remember the grand speeches made in previous campaigns regarding family values. They conveniently forgot about that being part of their platform in the ‘90s.
     She seems like a nice young woman but I do not think she really has anything to offer. There are many babies born to teenage mothers every day. They know all too well how this has affected their life. Many do not have the support of a family. They do not have the advantage of wealth or help in the raising of a child. Do they really want to hear what Bristol has to say? Is she really going to be a deterrent to other girls when they see the kind of lifestyle she has?
     This book is on the pre-sale list at It is reported to be 304 pages long. She had unprotected sex and got pregnant. The father ends up being a jerk and they split up. I think I have heard this story before. She talks about how hard it is. Next thing, she is on Dancing with the Stars, and buying a house in Arizona. Sorry, but not every teenage mom ends up in this kind of situation.
     Through no fault of her own, Bristol was in the spotlight at a time that most likely was difficult for her. She seems like a nice young woman and will probably have a great life, but we should not make people into celebrities or great sages of advice just because they have become a household name. Bristol has the right to publish a book, but the reference should be autobiographical for now. No one at 20 years of age has lived long enough to give a complete story. Years down the road, when she has experienced life to the fullest, she might actually have something to say.  Then she can write a memoir.

An Unaffiliated Voter

>     When I was 18, I registered to vote. I thought it was a great privilege to participate in the process of choosing an elected official. When I got to the box asking if I wanted to join a party, I hesitated. Was I a Republican or Democrat? I did not think I knew enough to choose either, so I checked off Unaffiliated. It is a choice that I have stuck with my entire life and now that I am older, I am glad I did.
     I do not understand how anyone can subscribe to the every belief of a political party. I know some call themselves moderates, but it seems that when the pressure is on, they will stand by their group. People tell me that I waste my vote because I cannot participate in a primary. That may be true, but the primary vote is for the parties to put forth their best candidate.
     In Connecticut, the majority of the voters are unaffiliated. That means the largest group of voters does not have a loyalty to anyone. So what happens? My mailbox is stuffed with pamphlets. My phone rings nonstop with calls asking for my vote. Let me clue them in, it doesn’t work. I read the paper and watch debates to get my information. Ultimately, that is what helps make up my mind on who gets my vote.
     The people elected are for the most part well educated and articulate. They have the ability to work with people and present information. Why then do they have so much trouble in Washington working to solve our issues? Why can they not dialogue and come to agreements as to what is best? Do they have to hold out for their own decision on how plans should unfold? I love watching them walk down the halls of Congress or the Senate. They look like a gang. They have a leader out in front with a posse behind them ready to take on the opposition. It all seems like a great waste of time.
     The American people have spoken this year. They sent a message that they want solutions. That is what we elect them to do. We do not want them to sit around being indecisive. We cannot afford for them to waste time discussing non-issues. We need them to commit on working together. Who knows? Maybe that is what will keep them in office. Until that happens, I think you might see more decisions made by the unaffiliated voter.

Diet and Exercise

>     Jack LaLanne passed away a couple of weeks ago. I remember seeing him on the television when I was a kid. He always had on that jumpsuit and was doing jumping jacks or leg lifts. The set was simple. He loved using a chair for balance. A recent article stated that he was the godfather of the exercise movement.  It also pointed out that we are in worse shape now then when he started this revolution.
     The diet and exercise industry is a multi-billion dollar enterprise. Everyone has a program or method to help us lose weight and get fit. They promise theirs is the best if you just follow it. We know what we are supposed to do. We know how to eat right and that we need to move more. Why is it so hard?
     I have reached the age where losing a few extra pounds takes a lot more effort than it did 10 years ago. I have to cut back on the certain types of food and walk a few extra steps. I think there are two reasons why it is difficult to stick to any plan or routine.
     First, the media has us believe that it is simple. That if you just do this, or just do that, the pounds will just melt away and life will be wonderful. Few mention that it might take a long time before any results are seen. We want the gratification that any effort we put into something will give us immediate satisfaction. In addition, they push workouts that for some are impossible. Time or physical capabilities might limit what one can do. The emphasis should be on what we can do to start slow. Walking, swimming, yoga, simple weights, etc. are beneficial and can be handled by most people.  I don’t have all day to work out, but I can spend at least an hour doing something.
     Second, instead of repeatedly pointing out what is bad for us, why not promote healthy eating. Please do not show me tofu or grains I cannot pronounce. I would rather see recipes that use vegetable, lean meats, pasta, etc.  I know there are a number of chefs out there who are doing this. Why not listen to these experts instead of diet gurus. 
     Most of our information comes from the media. I find it offensive when they show an overweight person walking down the street with their heads blocked out so that they cannot be recognized. To me that is just as bad as pointing a finger or staring. Is that supposed to make us aware of something? Is that going to help people who already have a bad impression of themselves?  A positive approach can go a long way.
     Jack LaLanne lived to be 96 years old. That achievement alone might prove his point. His message was simple. Eat right and to do some kind of exercise everyday. After all the promos, suggestions, and articles, maybe what he had to say is all we really need to know.

Dog Food

     As much as I am into what is good for human consumption, I have now been enlightened about the ingredients found in pet food.  Our dog Rella is almost 4 years old.  She is a beagle.  Typically she loves to howl and is prone to sudden bursts of energy.  A true hound, her nose is always to the ground and at times she can be seen eating something outside.  She also loves to get her paws on paper and seems to enjoy nibbling it to bits.
    It was no surprise that on occasion she would exhibit sign of stomach trouble.  We always attributed it to the fact that she must have eaten something that caused the discomfort.  There were times when she wouldn’t eat the dog food at all .  Eventually she would give in and eat.
   A few weeks ago, the problem seemed to be worse.  She was vomiting almost everyday, and didn’t want to eat.  Vets always tell you to feed them boiled chicken and rice for a few days to clear up any problems.  That is what I did.  She loved eating that and seemed better.  I came to the conclusion that maybe the dog food was causing her the stomach problems.
   I went online and found information about commercial pet food.  Most of them use beef, lamb, and chicken not fit for human consumption.  The also include a lot of corn meal and preservatives.  There were  accounts from other people that their pets were vomiting eating the food we were using.  I live about 10 minutes from a natural pet food store.  I was advised what was the best food for her size and age.  To make a long story short, she is doing fine and is eating more regularly.
   It is sad that this kind of meat and chicken is being used to feed our pets.  I like to think people value animals and wouldn’t do anything to hurt them.  Here is another example of industry doing what is best for them without consideration of harm.  At least Rella is not on that list anymore.


>     I few months ago I saw the movie Food Inc. .  It had a profound effect on how I view the food industry.  It was incredible to see the way cattle and poultry were being raised.  It was eye opening to see how many food items contained large quantities of corn.   Then I saw an episode of Dr. Oz and learned what was in farm raised salmon. That was enough to cause a great deal of concern.
      I was already reading labels and trying to buy foods that had more natural ingredients vs. artificial.  I tried to avoid high levels of sodium, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, MSG, and anything else that didn’t appear to be good for you.
      I stepped up my purchasing of organic products.  I started buying more chicken and meat from a local meat market, and I shopped the natural food aisle a little more attentively at the supermarket.  It is interesting to note that these foods are often kept separate from the other brands.  Why is that?  Shoprite stocks their store brand organic products next to the others, but still keeps the name brand organics in a different section.  If you compare the costs, they is often a minimal difference in price.  Sometimes these products are on sale so I tend to stock up when possible.  I don’t exclusively buy these products, but when the opportunity is good I go for it.
   Am I a vegetarian? No.  Do I still let my kids have junk food now and then?  Yes.  It all comes down to the old concept of moderation.  How did we get this way?  Our grandparents ate a lot better than we do.  They had their own gardens and prepared almost all their meals themselves.  Have we gotten so busy that we can’t eat right?  Does the food industry have to lure us into eating foods that are bad for us?  Why?
    The only thing that we can control is what we buy.  Everyone is entitled to purchase the type of foods they wish.  Hopefully it will be the purchasing that changes what the industry has to offer.

>The Title

>     I few years ago I thought maybe it would be nice to write a book.  Mind you…I’m not all that great a writer, but I saw it as a way to put down my thoughts.   I realized that my chances of ever being published or read were slim, so I decided to start this blog instead.  We see what is going around us, and then make up our own thoughts and feelings about what is happening.  If you are a visual person like me, those images never stop.  They make an imprint in your mind and someday something else happens to remind you of it.
   Another reason I like the title, is that in our society we pay so much attention to the so called experts.  Experts in articles, on the television, online, radio, etc.   Don’t get me wrong.  Sometimes this information is necessary.  It is great we can access it whenever we choose.  But sometimes the average person might just know more.  Sometimes saying what appears obvious, in a simple way, makes it all seem clearer.  I have a lot to say regarding that statement and will do so in further posts.  In the meantime, I think I’ll keep my eyes and ears open. 

Here we go.

>   Why am I starting a blog?  What could I possible have to write about?  What is the whole purpose of letting the world in my head?  Good questions.  I don’t have any answers, but I do know that I have opinions on just about everything I see or hear.  My mind is constantly going and as a stay-at-home mom, there isn’t always an outlet for them to be expressed or discussed.  Mostly I think about kids, parenting, politics, education, and human behavior.  Somehow it all seems to go together.  My feeling is that if I can express my views here, it will open my mind to clearer thinking and maybe even some enlightenment.  We all have to express ourselves at some point, in some way.  Sometimes it helps to be serious, and other times, humor is the way to go. 
     There are many topics I already have written up in my head.  I plan on writing some of them down in the days and weeks ahead.  To anyone who reads them, I hope you can relate or add you own experiences as well. Here we go.