A Message of Peace

     I was trying to come up with something that would make myself and others feel good this Christmas.  I thought of songs, hymns, readings, and quotations.  In the end, a clip from A Charlie Brown Christmas, seem to sum up the true meaning of what we all should be feeling on this holiday.  The voice of an innocent child in the character of Linus adds depth to the message this year.

     For those who do not celebrate the holiday of Christmas, I offer the same of message of “Peace on Earth“.   May everyone go forward with care, love, and the hope of better days to come.   Angela

A Different Kind of Christmas Gift


      For many years, I purchased a Christmas gift for every member of my family.  When marriages started, we changed it to a Secret Santa type event.  When children entered the picture, and family members moved to other states, we decided to give gifts only to the children.  This was agreed by my husband’s family as well.  It doesn’t make the holidays any less special.  In fact it helps zero on the true meaning of this blessed day.   This year I decided, in a much different way, to give gifts again.

     The past 3 months have not been easy.  There have been unsettling and extremely sad events which have occurred.  In addition, there are still many people struggling to survive in a difficult economy.  I thought about the money I would have spent if I had to buy gifts for my ever-growing family.   I came up with the idea of making donations to charities and organizations, which are in need of funds to support individuals and families experiencing some kind of difficulty or loss.  The following are the ones I decided to focus my attention and resources.

1.  The local food bank.

There are still a great number of people in this country who are out of work.  Local food banks have reported an increase in the demand for food.  While Thanksgiving is a time when people donate, food is needed on a year round basis.  Monetary donations allow for the purchase of items that are in short supply.

2.  The American Red Cross.

Hurricane Sandy roared into the northeast and destroyed many homes and neighborhoods.  There are many families who have lost the roof over their heads, and are in need of shelter.  The Red Cross is one of my favorite charities because they provide immediate assistance to individuals and families in need.  The destruction from the hurricane will take months and years to repair.


3.  The Sandy Hook School Support Fund.

This needs no explanation.  It is the least I can do.  Hopefully other types of opportunities will become available in which I can offer my help.


     There are many other worthy charities and organizations that offer support and services.  For 2012, this is my list.   A new meaning behind “it’s the thought that counts”.   Many are in my thoughts and prayers.  On Christmas Day, they will be remembered.

Enough is Enough

Official seal of Newtown, Connecticut

Official seal of Newtown, Connecticut (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

      On a beautiful Friday morning, the world changed forever.  In Newtown, CT,  26 sweet souls lost their lives in a senseless act of destruction.  I have not been able to shed any tears.  I think I am still in the shock of disbelief.  I am so angry that the perpetrator targeted an elementary school for an act so horrid.   There are no words to explain why this continues to happen in this country.  I heard on one news report that 100,000 Americans have been killed in America, by Americans, since 9/11.  So much focus has been placed on securing our safety from terrorists.   While this is certainly important, the safety of our citizens within our own towns, cities, malls, movie theatres, and schools is another area that deserves immediate attention.

      Our constitution provides the right to bear arms.  This was written at a time in history when the nation was still growing.  It was also essential that people had the ability to hunt for food in order to survive.  Much has changed in the hundreds of years that have passed since its inception.  No one needs a gun that is capable of shooting off multiple rounds of ammunition.  There is no reason for the average citizen to be in possession of this type of assault weapon.  Gun proponents will not be able to convince me that it is right of anyone to own this type of artillery.  Why they continue to have such a hold on our leaders in unacceptable.

    There is much we have ignored.  There are many neighborhoods in this country where its residents live in fear every day.  It has now spilled into areas of the unexpected.  I used to live in the Sandy Hook section of Newtown.  When I became pregnant with my second daughter, my husband and I decided we needed a home with more space.  Eventually we found a home in a neighboring town.  Had we not moved, that same child would have been in Sandy Hook Elementary School.  I agree that never would anyone have thought this could happen in a small community which places a high value on its youth.  Now that it has, we as people need to speak up, act, and work towards building a better society.  If it could happen there, it could happen anywhere.

     Good people in our country should not have to worry that if they go to the movies, or stop for a bite to eat at the mall, they will be in danger.  That if they go to work, they will have to stare into the face of a disgruntled employee.  That if they go to a place of worship, they will be met with evil while they pray.  That if they send their smallest children off to school, they will not come home.  That if they choose a career path of working with those children, they will be forced into a position of having to protect them, and possibly lose their life.

      It is now time for all citizens to send messages to Congress and the President that we need change, and we need it fast.  I am tired of hearing mental illness is the reason for these acts.  I am sure there is more that can be done in that area, but we also need to revise our gun laws, strengthen our communities, and provide a society where people can live without fear, heartache, and left asking why.  Enough is enough.


Six Overused Words and Phrases

Words have a power all their own

Words have a power all their own (Photo credit: Lynne Hand)

     Lately I have noticed a certain phrase being used by people in the media, politicians arguing their point, and others finding a way to put an exclamation on their idea.    There are many words and phrases that over the years continue to be used over and over again as if there is no other way to describe what is being stated.   I have limited this list to the top 6 that I find so annoying, I cringe every time I hear them.   They are……

6.   Awesome.    What started as a valley girl expression of the ‘80s has become a standard form of expression.   Usually it is preceded by the word “so” as in “That was soooooooooooo awesome.” Even small children use this word to explain everything that is considered great.   It would be nice to hear the word magnificent, splendid, fabulous, exciting, outstanding, etc. in its place every now and then.

5.   Amazing.   This is awesome’s cousin.  This is often used to describe some kind of performance, whether you’re trying to get your www.movingestimate.co moving estimates done, or just trying to buy a new BBQ.  It can be athletic, musical, artistic, or written.  It usually refers to an individual who has achieved some kind of feat.   Look at the above list and add talented, strong, smart, vivid, electrifying, stupendous, etc.  You get my drift.

4.   Basically.   The funny thing about this word is that people will use it, and then go on a lengthy discussion into detail.  Somehow the “basic” part of the word was forgotten.

3.  Whatever.   This one really irks me.   It is used whenever someone doesn’t have a reasonable comeback in a discussion.  They might not want to see your point of view, or they just can’t think of a reason why they are wrong.   Parents understand this one.

2.  Out of the box.  Ok, what is the box?  Does anyone know?  Has anyone bothered to examine the contents of the box before they change it?  Maybe something in the box is good.  Maybe we want to keep it.   Do we have to throw the whole thing out?  New ideas are always necessary but they should be based on the past and the present and tweaked, refined, and refreshed.

1.  At the end of the day.   We have finally arrived at what appears the newest catch phrase of late.   Interestingly enough, this is being used by many a politician.  To me this phrase means a conclusion, a resolution, or a final outcome.    Obviously this is not occurring in our present political climate so please stop stating it.  Other people use it to support and reinforce their ideas.   It isn’t that awful a phrase, but it is being stated in too many interviews and discussions.

     It is interesting that as humans we pick up on words and phrases and subconsciously weave them into our speaking or writing vocabulary.  It is limiting in terms of expression.  The dictionary is filled with glorious words taking a back seat in the use of language.   There is so much to choose from that makes conversation more interesting and colorful.   They say think before you speak.  Imagine what you might have to say.