Little Patches of Green


     For sale signs are increasing across small town America.   As nearby cities grow larger, developers begin looking for plots of land to build housing and commercial enterprises.  Suburban areas continue to spawn, with rural areas being eyed up for the future.  People who move to areas with less conveniences end up being divided into two categories. Those who want more, and those who wish things would stay the same.  Who is right?  No one, but it is a reality that land is a finite entity, and once it is built upon, nothing is ever the same.

    I live in a small New England town. Over the years we have seen our share of growth.  Housing continues to go up, even though our school age population is decreasing.  A small nearby airport is increasing in capacity eliminating an entire neighborhood due to an expanded zone.  A movie theatre proposal is in review, and more office space is being approved.  There is talk of building a YMCA at a time when many Y’s across the country are struggling financially, leaving some with no choice but to close.

   Some residents in the area favor growth and view it as a good thing. They profess it will help the tax base, and provided more opportunity for residents especially the elderly and the youth.  I am sure people who crave these amenities will take advantage of their offerings. There is belief that critical social issues can be addressed by cement and mortar.  My concern is that slowly but surely, we are witnessing the gentrification of America.  Cities become larger, suburbs continue to grow, and one is left to wonder what will happen when the space runs out.  How much time do rural areas have left?  Where does it all end?

    As you drive along, take time to notice the little patches of land available for development.  Gas stations, retail, office space, and housing are eating up the available landscape.  One project here and there does not create an impact for many observers, but over time the small city or town is overrun by too many approvals.  I’m not against growth, but all not all growth is beneficial.  I have yet to live in a town where taxes went down because of development.  In fact, some of these people “helping” the community often receive tax breaks, while residents are left picking up the tab.

   I moved to a smaller community by choice.  I don’t understand why those who do so suddenly decide they want more at their doorstep.  Didn’t they consider what the area had available in terms of convenience when they looked for real estate?  Some state they will move out if more isn’t available.  Somehow that is considered a threat to the entire population of the town.  They however, do not speak for myself and many others.  The benefits of space and a slower pace are quietly slipping away.  I want to see little patches of green, and I want to see it where I live. 

The Visions of Leaders Lost

KENNEDY John F. Kennedy

     It has been 50 years since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.    The news this week was filled with stories recounting that fateful day in Dallas, Texas when the president was fired upon, and ultimately killed.  The nation fell into a period of deep mourning.  It is often stated many can remember exactly where they were, and what they were doing when they heard the news.   One common thread appears in the numerous television, newspaper, magazine, and internet stories.  The question of what might have been had JFK lived.

     Regardless of his political or personal issues, the one factor all seem to agree is that he had ambition and a vision to literally and figuratively send the country to the moon.  I was too young to remember the loss of this president, but I do remember assassinations of others who followed.   I remember being home and hearing my parents say “Oh my god.  They shot King.”   I remember sitting in my elementary classroom.  The teachers talking about Robert Kennedy as his funeral was being broadcasted on the television hanging above our heads.  Even though I was too young to fully understand the significance of these men, it was clear the nation had suffered a great loss with the passing of each one.

      I often wonder the direction our country might have taken had these leaders lived.   John with his ambition and expression that as a country we have no limits, Robert with the focus on social issues in need of immediate attention, and Martin with his nonviolent movement to insure that all Americans have the right to live a life of freedom.   A generation of young Americans lost their visionaries and yet still yearn to achieve the ideals they so eloquently preached, and so tirelessly worked toward accomplishing.  This is their legacy.   Hopefully we are still listening to the message and someday will reach the moon, the mountain top, and the peace of an America that is safe, strong, and equal for all.

Storming the Gates

Chicago World War II veterans

      The ineptitude of Congress has forced a government shutdown. The welfare of the people has been overstepped in favor of political standings.  The worst part of this occurrence is the number of citizens who will suffer in terms of income and services.  Amidst the confusion and disbelief, a group of veterans from what is often called the nation’s greatest generation, showed us the will and strength of the American people.

     World War II veterans, in their ‘80s and ‘90s arrived at the gates of the WWII memorial only to find gates blocking the entrance. After travelling thousands of miles, and planning for months, the reality of the shutdown stared them in the face. They fought in a horrendous war. Many of their fellow soldiers did not return. Many came back injured or suffering from PTSD. They returned, went back to work, raised families, and lived their lives with a legacy of having served their country. They believed in the land of the free and the home of the brave. To them, there was no place better than the United States of America.

     So, this week, when they arrived to find the gates closed, they reached back to the strength and courage they had all those years ago and fought their way in. They visited the memorial that honored the sacrifice so many had given in order to preserve the freedom we treasure. They reminded us of the American they for which they fought so hard.  They lived a life dedication and love of country.

     The politicians did not need to be there. We didn’t need to hear the prepared statements they made in disguise of praise. We cheered when we saw those gates come down, and the veterans made their way to their memorial. In many ways it symbolized what we as a country need to do. We need to start working together to find solutions. We need to respect our fellow citizens and remember that no matter what we go though, we can come out stronger. We have stay focused, determined, and bust through the obstacles that hold us back. Just like the veterans from a war that changed the world continue to show us by storming through those gates.

Enough is Enough

Official seal of Newtown, Connecticut

Official seal of Newtown, Connecticut (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

      On a beautiful Friday morning, the world changed forever.  In Newtown, CT,  26 sweet souls lost their lives in a senseless act of destruction.  I have not been able to shed any tears.  I think I am still in the shock of disbelief.  I am so angry that the perpetrator targeted an elementary school for an act so horrid.   There are no words to explain why this continues to happen in this country.  I heard on one news report that 100,000 Americans have been killed in America, by Americans, since 9/11.  So much focus has been placed on securing our safety from terrorists.   While this is certainly important, the safety of our citizens within our own towns, cities, malls, movie theatres, and schools is another area that deserves immediate attention.

      Our constitution provides the right to bear arms.  This was written at a time in history when the nation was still growing.  It was also essential that people had the ability to hunt for food in order to survive.  Much has changed in the hundreds of years that have passed since its inception.  No one needs a gun that is capable of shooting off multiple rounds of ammunition.  There is no reason for the average citizen to be in possession of this type of assault weapon.  Gun proponents will not be able to convince me that it is right of anyone to own this type of artillery.  Why they continue to have such a hold on our leaders in unacceptable.

    There is much we have ignored.  There are many neighborhoods in this country where its residents live in fear every day.  It has now spilled into areas of the unexpected.  I used to live in the Sandy Hook section of Newtown.  When I became pregnant with my second daughter, my husband and I decided we needed a home with more space.  Eventually we found a home in a neighboring town.  Had we not moved, that same child would have been in Sandy Hook Elementary School.  I agree that never would anyone have thought this could happen in a small community which places a high value on its youth.  Now that it has, we as people need to speak up, act, and work towards building a better society.  If it could happen there, it could happen anywhere.

     Good people in our country should not have to worry that if they go to the movies, or stop for a bite to eat at the mall, they will be in danger.  That if they go to work, they will have to stare into the face of a disgruntled employee.  That if they go to a place of worship, they will be met with evil while they pray.  That if they send their smallest children off to school, they will not come home.  That if they choose a career path of working with those children, they will be forced into a position of having to protect them, and possibly lose their life.

      It is now time for all citizens to send messages to Congress and the President that we need change, and we need it fast.  I am tired of hearing mental illness is the reason for these acts.  I am sure there is more that can be done in that area, but we also need to revise our gun laws, strengthen our communities, and provide a society where people can live without fear, heartache, and left asking why.  Enough is enough.

One Story About Healthcare – Part I

    This is an election year.  One of the major issues that is analyzed and discussed every day is healthcare.   President Obama’s health care plan was approved, only to have it questioned.  The Supreme Court has determined that it is not unconstitutional, but it continues to be challenged by those who do not believe that it is a viable plan.  I don’t know enough of the specifics to make that conclusion, but I do know that something needs to be done to provide affordable healthcare options.  How do I know this?  I have a medical history that had it not been covered insurance, would have cost me approximately $250,000. 

    Anyone who has had a major illness or condition knows that it involves scans, tests, biopsies, surgeries, treatments, and many appointments.   I experienced two major medical issues in the past 17 years that required all of this, and none of it was unnecessary.  Due to good treatment and care, I am healthy and living a good life.   I had a positive attitude during each of these trials, but I wonder how I would have felt if I had to worry about payment.  Would I have received the quality of care that I experienced?  How would I have fared if I had to worry about large bills?   Would I have done as well?  I don’t think so,

    I once had a colleague who was considering going off the insurance plan at work because of the mandatory payroll deduction.  He stated that he never got sick.  I shared my costs for treatments.  His response was, “Well, when it comes to your health it is worth it.”   Sure, but how do you pay for it?  How do you get ahead in life if you are constantly being hit with expenses?   How do people with chronic conditions handle the costs?   He was among the many who don’t believe they would ever have an ongoing condition, or major illness.  A few years later, he underwent heart surgery.

   No one ever wants to become ill.  It isn’t something we envision as part of our life plan.  When it happens, we need access to quality care.  Most of us cannot afford the staggering cost of surgery, MRI’s, hospital stays, rehabilitation, medication, etc.  So many conditions are treatable.  If I didn’t have access to the doctors, nurses, therapists, technicians, labs, and hospital personnel that all provided excellent care, there would have been only be one outcome.  Let’s just say I wouldn’t be here to write about it.

Adults Teach Bullying

There are members of the Republican Party pressuring Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey to run for President.   I am an unaffiliated voter.  I usually decide who to vote for based on who I believe will be the best leader for our country.  I give all candidates a fair chance after I have listened to their platform of thoughts and ideas.  So far I know nothing about Chris Christie except that he has a weight problem.  That is putting it nicely compared to some of the words used by comedians and political pundits.  As I listen and read these comments, I can’t help but think that these adults are engaging in a blatant form of bullying. 

There is much in the news lately of young people being bullied in school, the playground, and the internet.  We are appalled that such behavior takes place and call on legislators to produce acts that involve consequences for those who engage in and create  these painful situations.  I am surprised that in this climate,  adults have resorted to same tactics as children who need to be taught better.  If this was the workforce, charges of discrimination or harassment would be filed.  Audiences laugh when words like “fat” are used.   Is this what we are teaching our kids?

Politicians are now using the “weight” card to discredit a potential candidate.  This is a new low in the seemingly endless ways that parties try to sway voters.  It is disgraceful and does nothing but continue to turn off voters such as myself.  I wonder how many people of intelligence, common sense, and ingenuity; decide not to enter the arena in order to avoid such scrutiny for themselves and their families.

We cannot expect children to grow up to be tolerant, accepting, and empathetic if we do not model these traits ourselves.  We need to stop hurtful words and acts from a very early age and act as a moral compass when it comes to teaching kindness towards others.  I hope the focus on Chris Christie’s weight gives way to his record and ideas on how to run the country.  That is all that I want and need to hear.

The True Crime Committed by John Edwards


    Article first published as The True Crime Committed by John Edwards on Technorati.

Elizabeth Edwards 2

      The Federal Court has decided to indict John Edwards on using campaign funds to hide his mistress and child during his run for the presidency. He claims innocence, and says he can prove that he did not commit this felony.  What he does admit is that he made a big mistake that hurt many of his love ones.  I accept that he acknowledges his actions of human misconduct.  What I don’t understand is what caused him to do so. There seems to be a never-ending list of male politicians cheating on their wives.  While all have certain elements of betrayal and sadness, the John Edwards story is very different to me.  Why?  There is only one reason.  His wife was Elizabeth.

     Elizabeth Edwards had beaten cancer once before.  It returned during her husband’s run for president.  Instead of backing away from the race, the couple decided to pursue his ambition and desire to become our national leader.  I can tell you from experience that nothing is easy when you are undergoing cancer treatments.  The fatigue, the weakness, the hair loss, etc., all take a toll on the mind and body.  Despite this, Elizabeth had the strength to stand with her husband while he went after a dream.  What was the payback for this support?  He has an affair with a staffer who later had his child.  He claims he hid the fact to spare his family.  After hearing interviews and reading articles, I believe it had more to do with the election than his family.   Why would he go to such lengths otherwise?  Did he really believe this story would never surface?  This was the thinking of a man who wanted to be president.

       Elizabeth Edwards was a strong, intelligent woman.  Her first role in life was mother to her children.  A role she cherished to the end.  She wrote books, shared her stories, and helped those who were going through similar difficulties.   She testified before senate committees on issues of importance, and appeared to be as down to earth as anyone in her position.  The crime John Edwards committed is what he did to her and his children.  A crime he will have to live with forever.

The Trump Card

Donald Trump in February 2009
Image via Wikipedia

     Donald Trump is contemplating a run for the presidency. Based on the little I have seen of him lately, he might as well save his money. In one interview, he started talking about his beliefs about the economy. All was well until he shifted gears and started going after the birthplace of Obama. In that split second, I no longer had any interest in what he had to say.
     I have written before about my displeasure in candidates that go on the attack rather than set about what they stand for, and how they plan to accomplish the goals they wish to accomplish. For some reason, Trump is the leader of the candidates now posturing to run. Sure he has made a fortune in Real Estate, hotels, golf courses, etc. He probably understands the economic climate and the stock market extremely well, but what else?
     I remember not too long ago when the President was criticized for not having enough experience in the areas of foreign affairs and leadership in general. Does running your own company qualify you to run a country? Does he have any better understanding of our military?
     Trump has made the birth issue his number one item of discussion. I find this to be ridiculous. No one would ever have been elected in this country if he or she were not a citizen. Does he really think it slipped by? It is insulting and highly disrespectful. He has the right to disagree with the policies or agenda being set forth by Obama, but he not right in his questioning of the man’s citizenship or education.
     My guess is the Republicans are letting him have his show so that when the more serious candidates appear, they will seem like much better choices. In the meantime, Trump will have a field day with the press and the throngs of people who show up to hear him speak. After all, it fuels the attention he craves, and pushes the ego to believe that he has what it takes to lead a nation.