The Right to Know

background check

     The past few months have produced numerous debates on our constitutional rights.  Part of the discussion revolves around the idea of privacy.  This is somewhat puzzling as there are many instances in this country where identification and checks involving personal information is required.  We accept these requirements as a means to obtaining our goal.  We don’t cry that it violates our rights.  We understand the necessity of proving our identity, and other information for a variety of everyday activity.  Somehow this has been forgotten.

   We need a photo I.D. to get on a plane, enter certain establishments, organizations and events, purchase alcohol, and do many financial transactions.  We need to present it when we vote which is also a constitutional right.  There has been some protest regarding these issues, but nothing that has caused a large national outcry.

     When we apply for a credit card, loan, or mortgage, our entire credit history is researched and analyzed.  Every dime we borrowed is scrutinized and evaluated in determining if we are eligible for the type of credit for which we are applying.  We accept the consequences of our past actions, and understand that banks and lending institutions have the right to obtain this information.

     If we purchase or sell a home, it becomes a matter of public record and often the transaction is printed in local newspapers.  Personally I don’t like the idea that a person’s name and address, as well as the amount of money involved is made available, but the paper has the right to report it.  In my newspaper they even print divorces.  That seems over the top in terms of needing to know, but it is allowed.

     When we get on a plane, we have to produce I.D. as stated above, and go through security. Our bags and self are scanned for anything suspicious.  There have been cases of TSA officials going too far, but after 9/11, most people favor these measures as a means of providing steps to insure our safety.  The masses aren’t screaming about their rights.

     When I registered my kids for school, I had to bring along the deed to my home to prove my place of residency.  Due to current events, I now have to produce I.D. to any school personnel who make a request.  Everyone understands the necessity of these new procedures without question.

     Many places of business, education, and health, require fingerprinting, drug tests, and background checks.  If you want the job you will comply.  Applications ask if you have ever committed a crime.  I’m sure most individuals would not want to submit such information, but it is all part of the hiring process. Some jobs require testing in order to obtain a license rendering them competent in their field.  Fail the test and you don’t get the license.  If you don’t have a license, you can’t have the job.

     However, there are places in this country where an individual can purchase a gun with nothing more than a simple permit.  They don’t have to pass a test. They don’t need a license.  The seller doesn’t need to conduct a background check.  There are so many other instances in which we subject ourselves to checks, tests, licensing, and identification.  Why does this issue suddenly violate our rights?  If gun advocates want to prove that owners of guns are responsible and trained, they should be out in full support of universal background checks.  It is a requirement that should be upheld and fulfilled. It is a responsibility that must come along with a right.

Support the Cause. Take the Sandy Hook promise.

Enough is Enough

Official seal of Newtown, Connecticut

Official seal of Newtown, Connecticut (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

      On a beautiful Friday morning, the world changed forever.  In Newtown, CT,  26 sweet souls lost their lives in a senseless act of destruction.  I have not been able to shed any tears.  I think I am still in the shock of disbelief.  I am so angry that the perpetrator targeted an elementary school for an act so horrid.   There are no words to explain why this continues to happen in this country.  I heard on one news report that 100,000 Americans have been killed in America, by Americans, since 9/11.  So much focus has been placed on securing our safety from terrorists.   While this is certainly important, the safety of our citizens within our own towns, cities, malls, movie theatres, and schools is another area that deserves immediate attention.

      Our constitution provides the right to bear arms.  This was written at a time in history when the nation was still growing.  It was also essential that people had the ability to hunt for food in order to survive.  Much has changed in the hundreds of years that have passed since its inception.  No one needs a gun that is capable of shooting off multiple rounds of ammunition.  There is no reason for the average citizen to be in possession of this type of assault weapon.  Gun proponents will not be able to convince me that it is right of anyone to own this type of artillery.  Why they continue to have such a hold on our leaders in unacceptable.

    There is much we have ignored.  There are many neighborhoods in this country where its residents live in fear every day.  It has now spilled into areas of the unexpected.  I used to live in the Sandy Hook section of Newtown.  When I became pregnant with my second daughter, my husband and I decided we needed a home with more space.  Eventually we found a home in a neighboring town.  Had we not moved, that same child would have been in Sandy Hook Elementary School.  I agree that never would anyone have thought this could happen in a small community which places a high value on its youth.  Now that it has, we as people need to speak up, act, and work towards building a better society.  If it could happen there, it could happen anywhere.

     Good people in our country should not have to worry that if they go to the movies, or stop for a bite to eat at the mall, they will be in danger.  That if they go to work, they will have to stare into the face of a disgruntled employee.  That if they go to a place of worship, they will be met with evil while they pray.  That if they send their smallest children off to school, they will not come home.  That if they choose a career path of working with those children, they will be forced into a position of having to protect them, and possibly lose their life.

      It is now time for all citizens to send messages to Congress and the President that we need change, and we need it fast.  I am tired of hearing mental illness is the reason for these acts.  I am sure there is more that can be done in that area, but we also need to revise our gun laws, strengthen our communities, and provide a society where people can live without fear, heartache, and left asking why.  Enough is enough.