The World’s First Popular Nerd


      My twelve-year-old daughter Tessa recently had an interesting conversation with a classmate who happens to be male.

Classmate:  You know Tessa; you’re like the world’s first popular nerd.

Tessa:  What do you mean by that?

Classmate:  Well…it’s kind of like you’re a geek…no offense….

Tessa:  I’m not offended by that.

Classmate:…but everybody likes you!

     We laughed when she told me the story, but later I realized how insightful this dialogue was for both parties.

     The idea that someone could like school and work hard, provokes images of the stereotypical bookworm holed up in a corner.  He or she is the loner with no friends and no interests other than academics.  A person wearing thick glasses with frames out of the 1950s, and who talks in a nasal sounding voice. Perpetuating these images, especially in the media, reinforces the idea that kids can’t enjoy learning, strive towards excellence, or take on challenges and still be a normal kid.   The young man quoted above saw that none of those concepts applied to my daughter, and it made him think about the image and personality of a “geek.”

     Before my daughter started middle school, I explained that kids will start changing and not everyone will want to be her friend.  Groups begin to form, stereotypes develop, and minor forms of bullying might occur.   She has handled the transition extremely well.  She does not let words define who she is, and is comfortable in her own skin.  She explained she is actually proud to be a geek, but she also loves to dance, sing, watch movies, and play outdoors.  She isn’t “popular” in the way most of us remember from our school days, but rather because she is helpful, kind, and always has a smile on her face.  She is happy for the success of others, and does not possess feelings of envy.  She sees the good in everything.

     We hear so many stories about children who are depressed, lonely, and don’t feel good about themselves.  Maybe it is time to stop portraying people in singular categories and understand that as humans we are multifaceted.  We all have good qualities and different personalities.  Instead of focusing just on bullying, we need to teach acceptance and kindness.   We need to make kids realize that everyone is different and unique. It takes more than one word to be defined.  The world needs more “firsts” of their kind.

Math, Science, and Girls

imagesRRCK1AFP     In 1947, a 17 year old young woman graduated from high school in Upstate, NY.   Having an A+ average, she was accepted into New York University.  The following fall, she traveled down to the city to begin her studies in biology.  Two months after receiving her degree, she accepted a job working in the cancer research labs at Sloan-Kettering.  In time, she was in charge of an entire lab.  Who is she?  She is my mother.

    I am perplexed by stories about young women not choosing careers studies in math and science.  So much is discussed and written in terms of the society preventing females from following this path.  While I don’t disagree that there may still be some obstacles out there, I do believe that the family has the biggest impact on the choices of our girls.   My mother’s family didn’t totally understand why she chose to study biology.  They thought nursing was a more viable option.  Yet, they did not prevent her from choosing her major.  The same followed for me and my siblings.  Whatever choices we made regarding school or career was ours to make.

     The fact that I had a parent who was allowed to make such a decision played a huge factor in knowing that I had the freedom to go into science.   My younger sister also made the same choice and became a successful engineer.   The achievement in math and science in my family was considered a good thing, and not something to disregard because we were girls.  I remember at the time some of my peers not having the same encouragement.  Their families felt that it was wiser for their daughters to work in a more traditional female job.  That is perfectly acceptable if it is the choice of the young woman, but if she has the talent and the interest to pursue areas pertaining to math and science, the opportunities are abundant.

     Society is not telling our girls they are not good at math and science.  That is a myth that has been handed down through the years.   Lest we forget the thousands of women who went to work during World War II working on projects that required a great deal of technical aptitude.  There have been many women who have made discoveries besides Madam Curie not present in our history books.  There are numerous female doctors, engineers, researchers, and professors who are presently working in a multitude of capacities.   There are a considerable number of female high school science teachers who present a role model to our children every day.  No one in “society” is telling our girls not to pursue their dreams.

     In 1947, a brilliant young woman walked her own path.  There were many others just like her who paved the road way before the issue of female equality was explored.  If they were able to do it during their lifetime, there is no reason why women today can’t as well.  It takes determination, hard work, encouragement, and a desire to live out a chance of fulfillment.  Let us stop telling stories about women not doing something because of society, and start telling about women who do because they can.

Once a Teacher…..


     Once upon a time, many years ago, I was a teacher.   I went on maternity leave after my first was born with the idea that at some point I would return to the classroom.   Two years later, I had another child and the idea of going back to work was put on the back burner.  I finally realized that as an older mom, with some past medical issues, I just didn’t have the energy to pull off the demands of teaching and raising my 2 girls.  Fortunately my husband’s income is enough for us to live on.   I have volunteered in the elementary school for the past few years, but there has always the gnawing feeling of wanting to do more.  I toyed with the various ways I could volunteer in the community, and finally decided on the best fit for me.  I have become a Literacy Volunteer.

     I was a high school science teacher, but reading is a whole new subject.  I have finished the training and am only beginning this new experience.   What is enjoyable is realizing that all the training and skill I acquired during my working days has risen to the surface.   It has been there all along, lying dormant, waiting for an opportunity.  The planning of a lesson, and deciding on what methods to use, has awoken all the abilities I possessed as a classroom teacher.  It has been a reminder of why I became a teacher in the first place.   It was always to help individuals realize their true potential and to guide them towards a productive future.

     Confidentiality is required in the process.   I would never share personal information, so I will not be giving any specific updates.  My hope is that I can help people better theirs lives by improving their ability to read and write.   Those who dedicate their lives to teaching are not in it for the pay, the hours, awards, or recognition. They do it because they understand the value of an education and how it can better the lives of future generations.   They do it because they have compassion, patience, dedication, and revel in the joy of learning.   It doesn’t matter if the student load is 20, 100, or in my case 1.   An individual, who becomes a teacher, is a teacher for life. It is a vocation and calling that is more than just a job.  I have come to understand the reality of once you become a teacher, you will always be a teacher.  I am happy for the return.


beach chairs

     Get up.  Get dressed.  Eat your breakfast.  Did you brush your teeth and comb your hair? Make your bed?   Did you put your lunch in your backpack?  Do I have to sign anything?  Do you have your homework and books?  Let’s get down to the bus stop.  The school day starts.

     Get off the bus or get picked up.   Some days involve after-school activities.  All have homework that needs to get done.  Have a snack, do homework, eat dinner, read, brush teeth, go to bed.  The school day ends.  (This is the abbreviated version.)

     This is just a small sample of a typical day of a child who goes to school.  While often fun, it has moments of being hectic and tiring.  There are some educational experts who promote the benefits of year round schooling.  While there is little doubt that many would gain from learning on a continual basis, there is much to be said for the few months of reprieve that the summer offers.

     Even though there are still some activities to attend, they don’t start so early in the day.  The pace is slower and relaxed. There is more time to spend swimming, hiking, playing games, and attending outdoor events.  There is time to read books for enjoyment. There is time to visit local farms, museums, small towns and big cities.  There is time to spend with your kids that doesn’t involve being constantly in the car or trying to get all that is required done.

     Summer remains a season for all ages.  Despite the heat, many people have wonderful memories of summers past.  Everyone seems to have childhood experiences and events they fondly remember.  It can be as simple as going out for their favorite ice cream, or a big vacation they took one year.  There are graduation parties, weddings, and family reunions.  Some remember jobs or internships.  Mostly, we remember the days of warmer temperatures, gardens, beaches, barbecues, and the long days of sunlight that lifts our spirit.

     Summer is a season of simplicity.  It brings people out and together and allows time for what the rest of the year doesn’t seem to allow.   No matter how what you do, have fun, stay cool, and make those memories that last a lifetime.  September will be here before you know it.

Moving on Through Life

                                                                                                                                           life is good

      My daughter is “graduating” from elementary school.   Her feelings are bittersweet.  She loves her school and has had a wonderful experience, but she is excited to be moving on to middle school.    She stated hopefully middle and high school won’t go too fast so I don’t have to attend so many graduations.  My thoughts were more along the line of not having to see her grow up too fast.

     Like most parents, some of the deepest conversations happen in the car.  For only being 11 years old, she is able to comprehend the meaning of many topics I discuss with her.  The main point stressed in this recent talk was to enjoy the stage you find yourself living at the moment.  Being young is great.  It is fun, exciting, and full of energy, but life doesn’t stop at a certain age.  I have known people well into their 80’s, even 90’s that were still having a great time.

      There are bumps along the way.  There are challenges that are sad and/or difficult.  There will be periods of uncertainty, confusion, and disbelief.  The key is to keep looking forward and find a way to change what is not working.  To work towards increasing the comfort and happiness in living a good life.  To surround ourselves with people who are good for us, and constantly take a chance of trying something new.

     My daughter is 11.  I don’t expect her to understand all the challenges and experiences that lie before her, but I do want her to know that change isn’t a bad thing.  People waste too much time worrying and fretting about getting older.  There is nothing any of us can do about it, so live the age you are now.  To everyone who is moving on, remember the past, enjoy the present, and look to the future with an eager and happy heart.  You only go around once.

Pushing Out Imagination

     My daughter has decided to be Red Riding Hood for Halloween.   The only part of the costume we need is a cape.   This is easy enough to make, but we decided to check a major toy retailer while we were out on a shopping trip.   The only costume items displayed were full ensembles with no “parts” available.   Since we were already in the store, we decided to look around.   Most toys today are based on television or movie characters.  What I found interesting is that these toys take up the majority of the store and, like the supermarket, are given prime shelf location and space.  Nondescript, generic, simple toys are relegated to the outskirts where they sit unnoticed by most.  What is unfortunate is that these are the toys that require more imagination and free-thinking.  They also aid in the development of motor and social skills.  It seems simple play has gone the way of pre-programmed sets with one outcome which, in my opinion, limits the development of a young child’s mind and leads them to the believe that there is one way to arrive at an answer.

     Ok, I know some are going to think that I am going overboard with this idea.  There certainly are a number of toys and games on the shelves that still lend themselves to imaginative play.   But where are the blocks?   Why do so many coloring sets have a few sheets of designs and colors to use?   How come so many baby dolls are now Disney characters?   Do you notice that entire aisles are dedicated to one brand so that comparisons can be prevented?   This definitely has an effect on the shopper where the display fools us into thinking that the toy provides a greater learning experience and/or more fun than the plainer, simpler versions.

     Smaller, independent toy stores are better at providing toys that are creative and educational.  It is also nice to be able to support local businesses that provide a difference in service.  There is room for all kinds of toys and games, but parents should not rule out the importance of crayons, blocks, dolls, cars and trucks.  It is fun to hear kids make up their own stories and adventures.  It is great to see how their pictures change from a few scribbles, to grand designs as they age.  If you need any proof of this, give them a big shipping box, some markers, and tape (oh yes, they looooove tape), and watch them create a little world of their own.   Have fun.

Shopping for School Supplies

     Every June, my daughters come home with a list of needed supplies for the next school year.   An opportunity is provided to purchase these items through the school, but since I already have many, I opt out of the program.  Here is where Target comes to the rescue.  In order to avoid the last-minute rush, we usually shop at the end of July. This year, as we were placing the pile of necessities on the checkout belt, I asked my girls if they really needed all of that stuff and did they use it all. Then I stated that when I went to school, (sounding like an old lady), all I needed was a notebook and a pen.  The cashier started to laugh.

     I remember being excited to go back to school.  It was usually after Labor Day, which signified the end of summer, and the beginning of fall.  The one staple I always got was a blue canvas notebook, filled with ruled paper divided up by those plastic tab sheets that separated the subjects.  I had a ruler and some pens and pencils.   That was it.  NOW….we need folders and binders of multiple colors, dozens of pencils and pens, index cards, post-it notes, eraser caps, highlighters, glue sticks, sharpies, colored pencils, crayons, and markers.  Of course we also need a pencil box to put it all in.  

     Wait…we aren’t done yet!   We still need a backpack and lunch bag.  I use to carry my books.  Now we need a backpack big enough to hold all these materials as well as a smock, library books, and other items based on grade level.  This involves visiting numerous stores until we find the one we like the best.  If I brought lunch from home, it was in a paper bag.  I don’t remember ever getting sick, even if I brought something with mayo.  Today we need an insulated bag with an ice pack, and multiple snacks and drinks to get through the day.  We drank water from the water fountain.  My elementary school was so old we probably drank lead, and were exposed to asbestos.  Water bottles and juice boxes did not exist.

     I don’t purchase clothes until fall.  Most retailers are trying to get rid of summer stock and the month of September is still warm.  I did get a head start on winter jackets only because it was tax-free week, and I got a great deal on the web.  The tax savings isn’t anything compared to the discounts that will occur on new clothing in a few months.  So, I am not one of the many out and about in the shops this week.

     The summer has been fun, but it flew by.  As my girls enter another year, it makes me realize that they continue to grow, and the days of them being young are going a little too fast.  The bottom line is that they love school, and are excited to be returning soon.  They will see their friends, meet another great teacher, and learn new things.  When all is said and done, that is worth the cost of supplies.

A Magnificent Victory

     It was a wonderful moment of achievement.  It took 10 years of hard work, sacrifice, and determination.  Countless hours were spent strategizing, analyzing, designing, and reviewing.   All led up to one moment that would end up as an outstanding success, or a disastrous failure.  There would not be a chance for a second try.  It was all or nothing.  The London Olympics have produced some wonderful and memorable moments, but this is not what I am referring to.   It is the scene of NASA scientists and engineers exploding with joy when they realized that the Curiosity rover reached Mars, and landed successfully.

     I am not always happy with the way the media reports certain topics, but I have to give them credit for repeatedly showing the moment when the mission was completed.  You could only smile when you saw this group of scientists and engineers jumping out of their seats, giving each other high fives, and shouting in a chorus of cheers.  Why is this so important?  It shows that people who work in this field are human.  They aren’t the stereotypical mad scientists or nerds so often portrayed, but real people.  It also highlighted the fact that there are a significant number of women who contribute in the creation of these incredible works.

     What they accomplished was a scientific and technological marvel.  It has been compared to a sci-fi movie about space.  But this was no movie, this actually occurred.  Many hours were spent developing and working toward a goal of providing a vehicle that will relay information about our nearest neighbor.  Images and tests will be transmitted back to earth adding information to the puzzle of how this planet and the universe formed.  With all the virtual images available at our fingertips, these real images will make people stop and take a look.  They might actually listen to or read the reports of what is being shown.

     America is in dire need of more of young people pursuing engineering and the sciences.  It requires years of study and hard work, but the payoff can be great.  There are jobs readily available, and there are a number of different areas where these skills are needed.  The Curiosity landing was a great example of what can be accomplished.  It gave us a glimpse of how interesting the work can be, and how necessary it is that we continue to develops projects that extend knowledge, advance technology, and provide services.  This week we saw a room full of people celebrate their victory and… dare I say it….what they did was cool.  Very cool.

Watch the landing and the reaction at this site.

Equal Pay for Equal Work is Overdue

This week, the senate rejected a bill that would have guaranteed equal pay for equal work.  Naturally it wasn’t a major headline in the news.  The reasoning by some is that employers will have a hard time making up the difference, or that there will be an onslaught of lawsuits filed against business owners.  It is outrageous that this issue even exists.  When was it decided that one worker, doing the exact same job, with the exact same skill, is paid more than another.  Oh wait.  That’s right.  The other worker is a woman.

Woman fought for the right to vote.  The feminist movement in the 70s, worked towards providing rights in the workplace, and society at large.  Title IX was passed to insure equity in providing sports for female athletes.  Yet here we are today, in 2012, still fighting for what is fair and equal.  Why is it that every group in this country has to fight for what is granted by the Constitution?  How many times does the same script have to be written and played out before the ending comes out satisfactorily?  The call for equal pay for women has been going on for decades.  There have been some acts passed to help ensure it, but the fact remains that women are still being paid less than men.

Most single parent homes are supported solely on the income of mothers.  They are working hard to support themselves and their children.  To think that they, or any woman, are getting paid 77 cents to the dollar because of their gender is ridiculous.  What happens when women go in for the interview?  Does a skirt mean you need less money to survive?  Is their education or training of lesser quality than that of men?  Women have come a long way since the 20s, the 50s, and the 70s.  This type of pay discrimination should have been settled a long time ago.

My last thought lies with all the young women who are studying and working towards a career.  Of women who are working to make a better life for themselves and families.  How do we tell them that the work they do is not on par with their male counterparts.  There are actually some who have stated that women are looking for a handout.   That they have to work for what is fair and even.   Women have been working hard for years.  In some cases even harder than men, because they knew they had to in order to prove themselves.   In reality, many have been doing more than the guy sitting next to them and getting less for it.  The male dominated senate needs to understand the terminology.   The keyword word isn’t “more”, it is “equal”.   Now is the time to pay up and do what is right.  It is long overdue.

What Students Need to Succeed

The past few weeks have been filled with articles and media reports concerning the education reform package presented by Governor Malloy.  Much of the focus has been centered on teacher preparation, certification, tenure, and salary.  It is not within reason to want to examine these areas along with the curriculum standards that are now in place.  What is troubling is that there appears to be a consensus that there are a great number of teachers who are not qualified, or conscientious enough for the day-to-day learning of students.  When the goal is to improve the achievement of students, other factors need to be considered before any real change can occur.

The steps towards certification in the state of Connecticut are among the most rigorous in the nation.  There are numerous requirements which must be met in order to reach certain levels.  This usually takes years to achieve.  Evaluations and professional development is ongoing in most districts, and teachers must take additional credits in order to maintain their license.  If a teacher is not sufficiently doing their job, or are not observed to be effective, there are plenty of opportunities early on in their career to not grant certification, or to be released by a district.  It is up to the administrative staff, central office, and the state to make this determination, and to have the fortitude to follow through with the decision.

The other factors that come into to play are those which no school, principal, or teacher has control. Children need to understand from a young age that school is important.  Attendance is critical.  I have seen many students miss too many days to be successful.  Children also need an adequate amount of rest.  Letting young children stay up late is not beneficial to learning.  They also have to be taught how to behave and be respectful. Too much class time is spent dealing with inappropriate behavior.  This has nothing to do with a teacher having control.  Homework needs to be completed and handed in on time.  Less time should be spent on video games or other electronic devices, and more should be spent on reading.

Every student needs a parent, grandparent, guardian, or someone responsible in their life that will ensure that they are prepared and active in their learning.  I have seen students in homes run by single moms, working two jobs, go on to college and be successful.  I have seen students from all socio-economic levels who are neglected and don’t care about school.  It takes caring adults to encourage, inspire, and motivate young people. It takes adults outside of the school to make sure that education is a priority in the life of a child.

Teachers play a significant role in the education of a youngster, but they can’t do it alone.  There is no single method that allows every student to succeed.   Urban schools are dealing with more issues than their suburban counterparts.  They need more assistance in terms of staffing, materials, and social services.  It is easy to point fingers and lay blame. Teaching is the one occupation that everyone thinks they understand or know how to do better.  It takes more than a few hours on a tour, or even a whole day, to truly understand the magnitude of variables that is facing one person standing alone in a room.

I have met very few teachers that didn’t care about kids.  They want to see all students succeed.  They fret about the children who were struggling, and work hard to find a way to help.  So change the requirements, and change the curriculum, but if you don’t concentrate on the social, emotional, and behavior of our young, nothing will be different.  Education doesn’t occur only in a school building.  The whole day of a child has an impact.  That is the message that needs reinforcing.  That is the area that will have the most effect in terms of future success.
