Once a Teacher…..


     Once upon a time, many years ago, I was a teacher.   I went on maternity leave after my first was born with the idea that at some point I would return to the classroom.   Two years later, I had another child and the idea of going back to work was put on the back burner.  I finally realized that as an older mom, with some past medical issues, I just didn’t have the energy to pull off the demands of teaching and raising my 2 girls.  Fortunately my husband’s income is enough for us to live on.   I have volunteered in the elementary school for the past few years, but there has always the gnawing feeling of wanting to do more.  I toyed with the various ways I could volunteer in the community, and finally decided on the best fit for me.  I have become a Literacy Volunteer.

     I was a high school science teacher, but reading is a whole new subject.  I have finished the training and am only beginning this new experience.   What is enjoyable is realizing that all the training and skill I acquired during my working days has risen to the surface.   It has been there all along, lying dormant, waiting for an opportunity.  The planning of a lesson, and deciding on what methods to use, has awoken all the abilities I possessed as a classroom teacher.  It has been a reminder of why I became a teacher in the first place.   It was always to help individuals realize their true potential and to guide them towards a productive future.

     Confidentiality is required in the process.   I would never share personal information, so I will not be giving any specific updates.  My hope is that I can help people better theirs lives by improving their ability to read and write.   Those who dedicate their lives to teaching are not in it for the pay, the hours, awards, or recognition. They do it because they understand the value of an education and how it can better the lives of future generations.   They do it because they have compassion, patience, dedication, and revel in the joy of learning.   It doesn’t matter if the student load is 20, 100, or in my case 1.   An individual, who becomes a teacher, is a teacher for life. It is a vocation and calling that is more than just a job.  I have come to understand the reality of once you become a teacher, you will always be a teacher.  I am happy for the return.

Storming the Gates

Chicago World War II veterans

      The ineptitude of Congress has forced a government shutdown. The welfare of the people has been overstepped in favor of political standings.  The worst part of this occurrence is the number of citizens who will suffer in terms of income and services.  Amidst the confusion and disbelief, a group of veterans from what is often called the nation’s greatest generation, showed us the will and strength of the American people.

     World War II veterans, in their ‘80s and ‘90s arrived at the gates of the WWII memorial only to find gates blocking the entrance. After travelling thousands of miles, and planning for months, the reality of the shutdown stared them in the face. They fought in a horrendous war. Many of their fellow soldiers did not return. Many came back injured or suffering from PTSD. They returned, went back to work, raised families, and lived their lives with a legacy of having served their country. They believed in the land of the free and the home of the brave. To them, there was no place better than the United States of America.

     So, this week, when they arrived to find the gates closed, they reached back to the strength and courage they had all those years ago and fought their way in. They visited the memorial that honored the sacrifice so many had given in order to preserve the freedom we treasure. They reminded us of the American they for which they fought so hard.  They lived a life dedication and love of country.

     The politicians did not need to be there. We didn’t need to hear the prepared statements they made in disguise of praise. We cheered when we saw those gates come down, and the veterans made their way to their memorial. In many ways it symbolized what we as a country need to do. We need to start working together to find solutions. We need to respect our fellow citizens and remember that no matter what we go though, we can come out stronger. We have stay focused, determined, and bust through the obstacles that hold us back. Just like the veterans from a war that changed the world continue to show us by storming through those gates.