Write What You Know

     The say write what you know. After letting my blog sit for a month, the most read topics have risen to the top. The top five are….parenting, children, media, women, and education. It really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, as this what I am consumed with in my present life. So, I have decided to focus on these issues in future posts.

     Another topics will include retail, the environment, and food.  What will be left behind is commentary on the news unless it relates to the topics listed. Quite honestly, there are days I take a break from the news. It can be oh so depressing. People seem to respond the most to subtle ideas or insights and how we connect to them. I am lining up some posts in my head and will start writing on a regular basis starting next week.

     In addition to this blog, I am in the process of creating another dealing with conversations. I have been playing with the idea for a while, and think it might produce even more interest. Thanks to the steady readers, the new ones who responded to the last post, and those who have offer helpful comments.  It has encouraged me to keep writing.

Taking a Break

     I know I haven’t written a post since August.  It feels like I’m taking a vacation.  What happens when you go on vacation?  You relax, you clear your mind, and you usually come back refreshed.  I need time to think up new ideas and what direction I want to take this blog.  I’m thinking of narrowing its focus and I’m evaluating which topics draw the most response.  All decisions take time.

    In the end I might decide to stop writing.  Restless soul that I am, I’m starting to feel that I want to get more involved in the community.  I’d also like to work on my house. and take up some projects that I have been putting off.  If only we had more than 24 hours in a day.  Would we accomplish more?  Probably not, but it feels good to think so.  Sometimes I over think, but in the end to all works out.  We will see what the future brings.